Fall 24 Hour Vision Fast (3 day)
Sep 13, 2019, 11:00 AM – Sep 15, 2019, 6:00 PM
Alchemy of Prana , Ragged Mountain Wilderness, Marble, Colorado
Poet, Mark Nepo, really speaks directly to taking the step toward the threshold to fully inhabiting our lives in the phrase EXQUISITE RISK
The deepest wisest part of our being intuits our belonging, and sometimes we find ourselves moving through life in autopilot, not fully inhabiting our lives with meaning, purpose, and intention.
Our human experience in life is an invitation to open to vulnerability and intimacy, but we have been conditioned to fear and tense and distract ourselves from taking the risk to step beyond the cultural conditioning, but the step through the threshold of what is known and conditioned is exactly what frees us to fully inhabit and be awake for our unrepeatable and EXQUISITE life
Join us this fall as we each individually sever from the habitual ways of relating to unlived parts of our lives as well as put down our masks, and step through the threshold and dare to live authentically awake, create meaning, and inhabit/belong to our lives
Inhabiting our Life with The Vision Fast Rite of Passage Model
Just as nature moves according to its inborn death and rebirth pattern, so does the Rite of Passage ceremony. Deeply tuned in to these cycles of nature, ancient and indigenous societies around the world have created rituals of initiation to mark, celebrate, and make sense of the great mysteries of life, death, and rebirth. Initiatory rites are as old as human society, and although the primary rite of passage is marking a transition from childhood to adulthood, we go through various transitions through every stage of life; every year brings forward new transitions. By enacting rites of passages, we continually imitate the death and rebirth patterns of nature. Anthropologists, having studied ancient cultures worldwide, have identified an archetypal form that permeates through most rites of passages. Although a rite of passage may take years to complete, this 3-day ceremony with a 24 hour fast offers a strong and meaningful way to support transitions. The vision fast candidate is guided through three phases of this pattern: severance (severing from the old), threshold (crossing into the liminal space/this is also the stage where the candidate fasts on the land for 24 hours), incorporation (taking on the body, & returning back to the community with your gifts).
The group of fasters and guides rendezvous at a direct location around 11 AM on day 1 and will head toward a more remote site. The afternoon & evening of Day 1 consists of participants finding their fast spot, an intent circle, and the fasters’ final meal. At dawn on the morning of Day 2, fasters will step into the threshold of their 24 hour fast on the land. After sunrise on the morning of Day 3, fasters will “shoulder their packs” and return to basecamp for story and the beginning of incorporation. This program is intended to be an intimate and smaller group of no more than 10 fasters. Please reserve your spot asap if you intend to join this program.
Dates: 9/13/2019 11 AM - 9/15/2019 6PM
Location: Gunnison National Forest | Ragged Wilderness, CO
Suggested Donation: $150 - $350
Donation Based $150-$300
This program is offered by donation. Suggested donation is $150-$300 for the program. The donation supports Alchemy of Prana's mission and the skills & education of the facilitators.
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