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Touching the Clear Mirror of Radiant Presence

From AOP's February 2018 Newsletter

“Anytime I pause, I am willing to stay in a more intimate engagement – to see through another’s eyes with beginner’s mind/heart, the trance of separation dissolves” We once heard a story of powerful connection from a meeting of Palestinian & Israeli girls; this later became a documentary called, My So Called Enemy [ ]. Their initial meeting was through the work of Building Bridges for Peace [ ], and was intended to help understand and dissolve conflict. What touched us about this program was that what had begun as cultural lines drawn in the sand and a perception as one another as enemy evolved into deep bonds and the impossibility of seeing an enemy: “If I don’t know you, it is easy to hate you. If I look in your eyes, I can’t hate you, I can only love you.”

After their initial meeting, the young women began to understand the root of their conflict and suffering and were able to find peace in unity. Today, these women are committed to justice and mutual understanding. In our experience, we have found that creating relationships across and beyond mental, religious, political, physical, “fill-in-the-blank” borders has the potential to clear the heart and eyes to see and know a so-called Other as ally. In this space, there is a sense of touching the clear mirror of our true nature and a radiant presence, which, once contacted, unravels and dissolves the impermanence of limited borders and separate beliefs. This is a core principle of Alchemy of Prana, and a deep intention for why AOP does this work. Deep ecology and ecosophy pioneer, Arne Naess, calls forward the exploration to “ask deeper questions” --- for such questions can act as a solvent and loosen up encrusted mental structures, freeing us to relate and see in fresh ways.

What are your deep questions? What has emerged for you this season?  How might you respond to this question: “Who are you?” You might continue asking yourself this question for about ten minutes. What happens if you hold this question with yourself?


2018 Updates :

We are so grateful and excited to have accompanied a few brave souls on the Alchemy of Prana New Year Wild-visioning Wilderness Immersion. Finding inspiration by fire light, on snowshoes in the high-mountain snowy woods, and amidst artistic creations by solar-charged battery-light, we were nourished and energized by the Way of Council.

Three-weeks ago tbird had an ankle reconstruction and is in a place of profound gratitude to live in an era when such instabilities can be healed. Thanks to the lovely people at Aspen Valley Hospital and Ortho Aspen for supporting this journey, and profound thanks go to collfeatherz for all the love and compassion she has bestowed on tbird while he is non-weight bearing.

This afternoon, February 5th,  collfeatherz and tbird cross a treshold here in Death Valley, CA for a 12-day Mid-Winter Vision Fast with The School of Lost Borders. Excited, nervous, happy, and feeling the Call to Adventure, please join us in spirit through the energy of love and good wishes on our venture into the soul-crafting (Plotkin) work that is the quest.

Alchemy of Prana has a new website!  It is being updated daily! Please take a look & sign up for updates []. We have almost all our events for 2018 now posted and you are able to register and pay within the site now too! Additionally, Alchemy of Prana will begin sharing their heart with the practices of mirroring and ecotherapy; you can now reserve time for personal, relational, or group sessions on the website. There is a great lineup of events this year []  culminating in our second October Wilderness Immersion at Mt. Mitchell, NC. Last fall, Alchemy of Prana gathered with a wonderful group of heart-friends for introduction to the work of the 4 Shields of Human Nature. Final Thoughts :Alchemy of Prana is in the development stage for the creation of an annual community-sponsored wilderness immersion. Details to follow. March 16-18th – our next workshop focusing on grounding into the practice and exploration of The Way of Council. Sign up here! Alchemy of Prana is hiring! We would like to share an internship possibility for our upcoming events If interested or know someone that might be, please respond via email at The water that runs through our bodies once filled the skies of an ancient world, cast in by the gravity of ancient stars, and turned by the great cascade of falling together. This sacred truth, both expansion from source and eternal reincorporation in-too, is the very essence of circle and the heart of the Way of Council. We hope that you will come and join us as we join hearts and voices in the togetherness of an ancient Way.

“It’s strange how deserts turn us into believers. I believe in walking in a landscape of mirages, because you learn humility. I believe in living in a land of little water because life is drawn together. And I believe in the gathering of bones as a testament to spirits that have moved on. If the desert is holy, it is because it is a forgotten place that allows us to remember the sacred. Perhaps that is why every pilgrimage to the desert is a pilgrimage to the self.” Terry Tempest Williams

Bowing & Breathing,

Alchemy of Prana

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