Spring 2020 Newsletter
Dear, allies, We hope this message finds you well. We've been keeping presence during this transition--cohering as witnesses and participants in the birth of Earth’s viriditas--the greening of the Earth--while exploring the liminal creative tension of paradox. Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by CoVid19. At this time, Alchemy of Prana is being with the unknown, liminal space; we are leaning into the heart, listening to the land, and actively monitoring the science and information recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). We are committed to responding to the transitions happening at this time, to CoVid-19, in ways that are in service to all beings—adjusting on a moment-to-moment basis and listening to creative ways to best support our community and the wilderness—while remaining attentive to preventing any further spread of the virus. Additionally, at this time, due to the very unpredictable nature of the coronavirus, not knowing what is to come, and considering the health and well-being of all who participate, we have decided to cancel and postpone our in-flesh May 2020 programs. However, we feel it is a potent time to consciously mark our transitions with the planet, to pause and listen to the co-creative medicine. We have been called to co-create a Virtual Day Quest opportunity on May 22nd–23rd. You can participate from wherever you may be at the time and connect with the medicine of the Earth and your own essence during this individual and global transition.
If the program is full, please join the waiting list and we will do our best to create additional opportunities to connect in this way.
Additionally, we will do our best to offer many alternative ways to support your unique transition including one-on-one therapeutic guide calls, self-generated ceremonies at home, virtual intent councils & mirroring of medicine walks, etc. Please contact us if we can support you in any way via email or phone, or schedule a one-on-one session on our website: www.alchemyofprana.com/events. We understand the nature of transitions and the heart's needs. Thank you for your understanding, patience, presence, and support during this time; we sincerely hope to navigate the terrain of wilderness together again soon. We send our deepest love to you and your beloveds. In grace and reverence with Earth and all beings, Colleen & Thompson Bishop info@alchemyofprana.com For our latest blog story regarding Earth & CoVid19, check out: Earthyear: COVID19
